Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Sam's Sweet 2016

Yes, they are at it already. And, yes, predictably, the other guys are at it - losing their rags in such spectacular fashion. First things first. If you are that thin-skinned about where you wen to school, leave stage left right now because "misuse of a licensed telecommunications device" is set to become a political rallying call in the next few months. (The CA can go on and on about tracking all online users but unless the CA has morphed into the People's Liberation Army's Cyber Army, it can go fry an egg!)

Second, don't lose sight of the place of the Village Madman in the grand scheme of things. Without him, or her, the village strongman would live under the false illusion that he is loved by one and all and might miss the poisoned drum of busaa into which the whole village has taken an almighty crap. Given the givens, the Village Madman will not strip butt naked and run yelling from one lamp post to the next about the idiocy of this, that or the other fatcat. The Village madman is likely to be a sophisticate, with a deep understanding of complex issues, unafraid to criticise in light of received wisdom, to do it with erudition and fearlessness. In the land of the sycophant, the Madman is King.

Third, the Hague will continue to figure prominently, even long after the Titanic has rammed into the iceberg and sunk a thousand feet below the cold North Atlantic. There are a few loyal-seeming voices perpetuating the illusion that He Was Fixed. They have done a good job of it. They haven't done a good enough job. The trial proceeds apace and it is now a toss up whether the prosecution's case will be thrown out. I fear not.

Fourth, Jubilee Party is a stupid idea. It's brilliant in its own narrowly-focussed, KANU-is-back way, but in the end it is a stupid idea. Its cynicism is so plain that I wonder whether its architects realise that Kenyans are fed up at being taken for granted in this way. And absolutely no one wants KANU back, which is what Jubilee Party is shaping up to be, the rump in the hands of Gideon Moi and Nick Salat notwithstanding.

Fifth, the CIC is gone! Thank God! Enough said!

Sixth, the CIC is gone. OMG, WTF?! We may come to rue having given the CIC such a broad remit and such a short tenure. It acted as a valuable safety valve in the constitutional implementation scheme of things. It kept the parliamentarians and the national Executive on their toes whenever knotty problems of constitutional interpretation arose. It was a pain in the ass, and it got many things wrong, but its importance cannot be gainsaid. I will miss those big crybabies.

Seventh, what referendum? Okoa what? No one wants one. The only people who want one don't seem to have a job at all. What exactly does the leadership of the CORD do in its spare time, other than try and keep some of its people out of the corruption hot seat? They are a waste of space. Not that the ruling alliance has the most useful people in the world. In paraphrasing Martha Karua, "We will not be lectured to about the referenda by people who have contributed absolutely nothing to Kenyan politics except by being nuisances." The nuisances of the Jubilee are well known, aren't they?

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The glue of our politics

The glue that holds Kenya's politics together is hypocrisy. Would-be saviour, those ones with the Uranus-sized egos, those whom the gods...