Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Anniversary, George and Polly

Jamhuri Day is a little special to me because George and Polly got married on a rain-soaked Jamhuri Day. If there's one thing you have to do before you get flattened by a Citi Hoppa, it is to meet George and Polly. Think of them as a power couple, without the megalomania, the narcissism, the moody-neuroticism, the overweening desire to me-too. Think of them as milk and honey, kittens on trampolines, cute dalmatian puppies, movie-perfect sunsets, full-moon Sundays and true-blue Italian chocolate-chip-cookies and espressos. If they weren't that perfect...well, they are!

I remember the first time I met Polly. She probably thought I was an odd brother for George to have. She probably still thinks so today, except all she keeps reminding me - no, demanding - is, "Siku kuu!" (Whatever that means.) I remember her smile, because when she smiled, George smiled. Men are so easy! But what's amazing is that her smile has remained the same since 2006 when I first saw her with George. His, too, has remained automatic too. She smiles, he smiles. He smiles, she smiles.

I've known George all his life. He was the only one of the three of us who never fell down the stairs, even when he was two. (Rei and I have an intimate knowledge of those beige/off-white risers.) He's always been the best; he's remained the best, getting better since meeting the beauteous Polly. (Just in case you're wondering, Polly has equally beauteous sisters whose smiles, in my estimation, are likely to collectively raise the blood temperature of all men in short order.)

I don't get to see them often enough, mostly because I am an idiot when it comes to these things. I'd love to, and thank God I have Her to interpret these things for me, and Rei and Lizz to make sure I get the interpretations right. But I love every moment I get with them, even amidst the incessant "Siku kuu!" demands. They are special and everyone whose ever met them can sense just how special they are. They are special to me because they are the true reflection of style, poise, character, honour, grace and love—especially God's incomparable love. It's been awhile, but Happy Anniversary, George and Polly. (Siku kuu inasija!)

(Oh, and to Jennifer and Andrew, I'm glad you both got Jamhuri Day on your anniversary lists too.—Jennifer and Edgar meet Andrew and Lydia.)

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