Thursday, April 30, 2015

I might be wrong.

According to the Urban Dictionary, which isn't really a dictionary, a dumbass is a person who is both stupid (e.g. dumb) while also stubbornly refusing to stop being stupid when asked (e.g. ass). Every now and then a dumbass will do something that is non-dumbass. Those events are rare enough to arouse comment among the dumbfounded. There is a Senator in Kenya whom the Urban Dictionary should use as a visual aid in the definition of dumbass.

This Senator has a tongue that out-speeds his mind; he can't wait to say something "profound" without taking into account that his words need reflecting on before they are shared on public forums. If he has ever heard of moderation, it must only have applied in his profession which is something that shocks many - that he was once a professional, abiding by a professional code of ethics and applying the highest standards of professionalism in his work. Looking at him today you wouldn't know that he has been to school, that he has been educated by anyone or that there is a county in Kenya that searched for a leader and settled on him.

This Senator has singled out an ethnic community for special attention. He does not base his argument on data, even though he must have conducted research before e attained his degree so he must know what data is. He simplistically connects one factoid to another ad declares it to be a viable theory and then he broadcasts it for one and all to be awed by. So he has turned his bilious eye on an ethnic community that also happens to be an ethnic community that elements of the national Executive seems to believe requires special, heightened attention.

This Senator has done this before. He will do it in the future. He will do it because he has fallen in love with the idea that he will be referred to as "mheshimiwa" for the rest of his life and he wants this feeling to be sustained through a very long stint in Kenya's Parliament. His dumbassery is calculated. It is deliberate and deliberative. It is all part of a political mating ritual. In fact it is almost akin to how parties are matched on a certain street in Nairobi. All one need to find out is what has changed in the Senator's backyard and what has changed in Nairobi and then connect the dots, see through his cock-and-bull story and Bob's your uncle.

So while he may genuinely fear that his ass is about to be blown up sky high, do you really believe that he wanted an ethnic minority in Kenya subjected to additional State attention if it did not mean he got something out of it? I don't think so. He is wooing a new sugar daddy. Or he's found one and his recent skirt-twirling was the price demanded by his sugar daddy. Then again, I might be horribly wrong.

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