Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Don Felder and Joe Walsh on Hotel California: Epic

Some of us believe that Carlos Santana - especially on Black Magic Woman - is the greatest guitarist of all time. There are those who think that it is Old Slowhand Eric Clapton. I happen to believe that when BB King and Clapton played together on Riding With The King, the best guitarists in the world made the world stop and listen for four minutes and twenty-three seconds. But I think that one of the greatest solos ever was by Peter Tosh on Stir It Up with Bob Marley and the other Wailers.

Every genre has it kings, and every king has his Minister of Soul. But the two minutes and eighteen seconds' electric guitar interplay between Don Felder and Joe Walsh on Hotel California when The Eagles played live at the Capital Centre in Largo, Maryland, in 1977 has to count as one of the most absorbing pieces of music ever committed to tape. With the remarkable Don Henley on lead vocals and drums intercutting with some of the best stickwork at a live concert, Hotel California became one of the most emotive, evocative, compelling singles of the past half-century.

So I leave you to marvel at those 02:18. Believe you me, you wanna watch this.

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