Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What is wrong with you?

Christian countries produced freedom. Those who hate freedom tend to hate Christians. Put aside differences. Stop the new Dark Age. It’s coming fast. - Stefan Molyneux
East Africa, or British East Africa, as it was known when the freedom-loving Imperial British East Africa Company came calling, built the Lunatic Express and alienated hundreds of thousands of "idle land", was spectacularly un-free.  People didn't have security of person or property, were not allowed to think freely or freely express their opinions, and were constrained in what they could do or where the could go. The reason for this extreme state of un-freedom was that the entire region had not accepted the principles of Christianity that prized individual freedom above all else. The existence of the soon-to-be-bankrupt IBEACo was proof that the Christian God loves freedom, especially the freedom to trade that seems synonymous with Christian values these days.

Obviously - OBVIOUSLY - that whole paragraph is bullshit. Even a cursory examination of the historical record shows that there is nothing freedom-loving about colonialism, genocide, xenophobia, racism, racialism, misogyny and sexism - all the things that have been associated with "Judaeo-Christian values" as practiced by the "founding fathers" of "western civilisation" since the European Reformation. "Christian countries" as Mr Molyneux calls them certainly "produced freedom" but only for white men at the expense of everyone else, regardless of the cost, pain or suffering the white man's freedom entailed.

Recent history - indeed, contemporary history - puts the lie to the claim that "those who hate freedom tend to hate Christians". In 2001, an organisation that had been financed for decades by white Christian USA people, in search of a new "holy war", attacked the Great Satan with box-cutters and four passenger airliners, killing just a little under 3,000 people. In response, the USA's first truly "Christian" president launched two wars that, seventeen years later, have metastasized into the sort of martial quagmire that produce massive amounts of un-freedom. One of the US president's motivations in starting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was his Christian faith and a fervent belief that he and his nation were spreading freedom and democracy abroad - at the barrel of an M16 and the tip of a JDAM bomb. The reincarnation of IBEACo were the the likes of Halliburton and Blackwater - true-blue flag-waving promoters of "freedom".

Only a white man could possibly imagine the world was un-free until the Judaeo-Christian Anglo-Saxon man came along with his bible, cannon and musket. Only a white man could imagine that the territories of the world that were colonised and plundered, and whose native populations were massacred were un-free because of their "pagan" beliefs and rudimentary economies. Only a white man could ignore the entire human historical record that has demonstrated the remarkably bloody record of Christian crusading. Only a white man could have the arrogance to believe that he could possibly be right. Only a fool could even entertain for a minute that this white man has a leg to stand on when it comes to the concept and practice of freedom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A day without a largish Rx of your twitty witty this hypertoxic KE would be ? .

So Write on Right on

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