Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Buyer's remorse

Buyer's remorse. The moment you pull money out of your wallet and hand it over to the cashier, regret sets in. It doesn't matter of the payment was a matter of life or death, regret is inevitable for that species of man that lives pay-cheque to pay-cheque, is laden down with myriad responsibilities, and considers even life-saving goods and services as being tools of the devil sent to Earth to impoverish him.

But I don't know anyone who could possibly suffer buyer's remorse if they emptied out their bank accounts, sold all their worldly belongings (except their clean underwear; never underestimate the allure of clean undies), took early retirement and took their entire pension in cash, borrowed from friends and family, and robbed the neighbourhood Equity to buy this...

...or this...

...or this...

Even if it bankrupted their family to the third and fourth generations, some men would definitely consider buying any one of those or this...

I probably would too, acute indigestion bordering on a cardiac event induced by buyer's remorse notwithstanding.

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