Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's your fucking fault!

I never thought I'd be writing this: you motherfuckers are to blame for the sorry state of your beloved fucking city. Now I know its popular to bitch about the fuckheads we call MPs and county representatives, the governor and the head of state, but the fucking point is you little shits elected the fuckheads and the fallout of all their fucking bullshit is on you.

If you weren't so fucking zoned out when it comes to the nuts-and-bolts of fucking elections, fuckheads would not make it into the fucking august House or the various joints we call fucking county assemblies. Them motherfuckers take advantage of your fucking apathy to play one fucking set of street thugs against another set of fucking street thugs while the fucking middle classes sit in their motherfucking ivory towers fucking their brains out.

It's fashionable to lay the blame on those shits in parliament or the county assemblies, but we all gotta admit we had a fucking hand in the state of affairs. If we hadn't been so fucking interested in embarrassing one moron or promoting another moron because the motherfucker comes from my fucking village upcountry, this fucking city would not be the shitty place to live that it has become. If you've spent as much of your life as I have in this fucking city, then you know, deep down in your fucking heart, that them motherfuckers from upcountry is fucking crazy. Niggers will steal even the gold teeth in your mouth just so they can get ahead...or head. Or, at a fucking pinch, they'll stick fucking arrows in the soft parts of your fucking arse!

But when it comes to this fucking city, we tend to think that it is somebody else's fucking problem, while we refuse to accept that we had a fucking hand in its destruction when we stood idly fucking by while them niggers in City Hall made off with the loot. Now I know we didn't get here one fine fucking day on the turnip truck; it was gradual and fucking insidious like fucking HIV! But its not like the motherfuckers that were busy swindling retired teachers out of their motherfucking pensions weren't smart enough to see the rot that was developing in our fucking city; they just chose to do fuck all about it.

And so Nairobi became the arse-end of the Nation where every fucking violation was just one in a long list of violations. Motherfuckers now can't walk on the wrong side of town without getting their junk felt up by hookers on the prowl; bitches be getting aggressive these days. Every now and then, cops will be shown on the fucking TV "arresting" and "charging" bitches for "living off the proceeds of prostitution" or some such fucking crap...but we all know it's bullshit; most of the titty bars and cat houses belong to fucking cops and every now and then, as an effective HR tactic, a few bitches be thrown in jail to teach the rest of them a fucking lesson. Meanwhile, the fucking Governor is on fucking Twitter telling other fuckheads on social media about which people he's fucking meeting with and what new digs they be inspecting. It's a fucking disgrace.

But you motherfuckers take the fucking biscuit for the level of disinterest you have in the welfare of your fucking city. Every time a fucking Ma-3 is "involved" in a road traffic accident, and niggers are killed, we all pretend to be fucking outraged, and ask for "stiffer" fucking penalties and "inquiries" into the operations of the fucking traffic police. But we see nothing wrong with fucking about with the rules if it gives us a motherfucking advantage over them niggers next door. If it means your arse is getting ahead in the game...or niggers gonna do anything and everything to avoid playing by the fucking rules. Which is why every time we bitch about the fucking governor and his fucking incompetence, we should really be thinking that we are fucking responsible for that motherfucker's election! Nigger, you to blame...ain't nobody else left.

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The glue of our politics

The glue that holds Kenya's politics together is hypocrisy. Would-be saviour, those ones with the Uranus-sized egos, those whom the gods...