Sunday, March 31, 2013

Amka, Governor Kidero!

As a resident of the County of Nairobi City I have an obligation to keep my governor on his toes or bring him to his knees. That is a responsibility I take seriously. In the previous local government regime, my interest in local issues was reduced to keeping an eye out for ex-classmates who'd fallen on hard times and had a penchant for the local moonshine in the hopes that our encounters would be brief. Now, I am not so blasé. I will still do my utmost to avoid former schoolmates with their hands out but now I am taking an interest in issues that affect, at a deep personal level, my quality of life. So Governor Kidero, please take note. I have my eye on you, and you had better deliver on your promises.

I am a resident of Harambee Ward, Makadara Constituency. Over the past decade my quality of life has deteriorated. Sewers are frequently blocked and I do not remember the last time it rained an drains did not fill up and spill over. The roads in my particular neighbourhood have been colonised by hordes - yes, hords - of jua kali artisans, mama mbogas and sundry maize roasters, samosa fryers and the iniquitously ubiquitous matatus, some belonging to our new senator, Mike Sonko. My personal security is never assured when I wonder home in the wee hours of the night because all our streetlights seem to have acquired a mythical ability to stay dark. My health, and that of my loved ones, continues to be endangered because your predecessors at City Hall failed to do anything about the absence of sanitation bins or sanitation companies that failed to collect garbage without spilling most of it on their way to the Dandora dump.

On the day you were sworn in, the life of any vehicle I decide to acquire was endangered - the one place we were sure I could find a mechanic at a price I could afford was at the famous NCCK garages along Rabai Road. Someone in City Hall - perhaps you should have a chat with the outgoing Town Clerk and find out who - decided to flatten the place and set police on Martin, my favourite mechanic, and his colleagues, chasing them all over Buru Buru for some unknown and, perhaps, unknowable, reason. If City Hall has decided, or had decided, to sell the plot to some fly-by-night "real estate developer" at the expense of the motoring denizens of Eastlands, please let us know so that we can make alternative arrangements in future.

Dr Kidero, there are two SOS Villages in Harambee Ward and they are sanctuaries for hundreds of children who have fallen on bad times. But the one in Buru Buru Phase 2, as the girls' secondary school next door, face harrowing environmental conditions. What are you going to do about the extremely loud "bars" that blare their music into the dead of night while these children and students sleep? What are you going to do about the hordes - yes, that word again, hordes - of drug-peddlers who have made it their mission in life to corrupt the morals of the youth of Buru Buru?

This is what I am demanding of you, my dear governor. Kick some ass at City Hall and restore the City's sanitation department to what it was before City councilors got their grubby little hands on it. Restore the security of their night by reviving the once brilliant streetlights. Save the future of our children from the clutches of the men and women who'd corrupt ti with drugs, alcohol and loud, incessant noise. Remind the Buru Buru Matatu Welfare Association that passengers may only be collected and deposited at designated bus stops: the junction on Mumias South Road where the Uchumi Supermarket is located and the new one locally known as Mutindwa are not designated bus stops. Slap sanctions on the Nairobi Water and Sewrage Company if it continues to vacillate over the rehabilitation of the constantly blocked sewer lines in Jericho, Jerusalem and Harambee estates. Do this and I will campaign for your re-election - anonymously of course; I don't want to lose my comfy civil service job.

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